Federal Garden Show Heilbronn
Lecture series “Garten aktuell”
The GARTENWELTEN, the exhibition contribution of the Baden-Württemberg Association for Garden, Landscape and Sports Field Construction, is representatively and centrally located on the BUGA site. One focus is the weekly lecture series “Garten aktuell”, always on Tuesday evenings at about 6.30 pm.
As a freelance landscape architect, I am represented with two lectures in the frame of the series “Garten Aktuell” at the Bundesgartenschau Heilbronn. The lectures focus on age-appropriate garden architecture that enables garden pleasure for all phases of life. Forward-looking planning becomes the basis for successful and sustainable garden design for all generations.
Studio Diagonal, 30.04.2019, 6.30 pm, Age-appropriate garden architecture – garden enjoyment for all phases of life
Studio Diagonal, 17.09.2019, 6.30 pm, imaginative design of family gardens.

Excursion to the Lebensphasenhaus in Tübingen
Many people want one thing above all: to be able to grow old as independently as possible within their own four walls. The garden also plays a central role in this respect. What design approaches and technical innovations are available can be experienced on a tour with the independent landscape architect Sarah Richter through the Lebensphasenhaus and its garden(www.lebensphasenhaus.de).
15.10.2019, 6:00 – 7:30 pm..
Meeting ploint: Lebensphasenhaus Tübingen, Rosenau 9, 72076 Tübingen

Age-appropriate garden architecture
In this lecture, freelance landscape architect Sarah Richter will give you an insight into ideas and approaches to solutions for what age-appropriate garden design can look like. The design with flexible and multifunctional garden elements enables her to develop cross-generational, sustainable and at the same time more economical concepts.
08.10.2019, 18:00 – 19:30, Age-appropriate garden architecture – garden enjoyment for all phases of life.
House of the adult education centre, Spendhausstraße 6, 72764 Reutlingen, Room: 107, 1.

Lecture in the Lebensphasenhaus
Self-determined living until high age – garden enjoyment included
Date: 11 October 2018, 16.00 h
Place: Lebensphasenhaus, Rosenau 9, 72076 Tübingen
Once again this year, an information evening for architects and landscape architects was organised by the Association of Garden, Landscape and Sports Field Construction Baden-Württemberg e.V. in cooperation with SchwörerHaus.
As a freelance landscape architect, I presented my planning and advisory methods and examples. During a tour around the outdoor area of the Lebensphasenhaus, a number of approaches could then be experienced directly.
(Picture source: Petra Reidel).

Selbstbestimmtes Wohnen bis ins hohe Alter – Gartengenuss inklusive
Viele Menschen wünschen sich vor allem eines: In den eigenen vier Wänden möglichst unabhängig alt werden zu dürfen. Wie dies mit hoher Lebensqualität und kombiniert mit einem existenziellen Sicherheitsfaktor für alle Beteiligten gelingen kann, erforschen die Universität und das Universitätsklinikum Tübingen derzeit zusammen mit der Industrie und verschiedenen Unternehmen im Echtzeitprojekt Lebensphasenhaus.
Informationsabend für Architekten und Landschaftsarchitekten, organisiert vom Verband Garten-, Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau Baden-Württemberg e.V. zusammen mit SchwörerHaus.
Termin: 17. November 2016, 16.00 Uhr
Ort: Lebensphasenhaus, Rosenau 9, 72076 Tübingen

Modern, modular und am grünen Puls der Zeit
Die Freie Landschaftsarchitektin Sarah Richter (vorne links) referiert, wie sich der Garten des Lebensphasenhaus an seine Bewohner anpasst und selbst für Senioren noch jede Menge Genuss bietet.
(Bildquelle: Petra Reidel)
Lassen Sie sich inspirieren und erfahren Sie mehr über meine Arbeit. Kontaktieren Sie mich gerne per E-mail an: sarah.richter@studio-diagonal.de